Day Pass
Free Wifi
Use of tools and equipment
See what you can make in a day
Individual Membership
Free Wifi
Full access to 1st Maker Battalion
Use of tools and equipment
Access to experienced staff
Cubbyhole storage included
Co-working Office Space
starting at $200/mo.
Free Wifi
Benefits of Individual Membership
Access to working office space
Public and Private desks available
Mini Maker Space
50 square feet increments
Dedicated to your projects
Personal office/mini shop
Benefits of Individual Membership
Includes utilities: electric, compressed air, dust collection, fiber optic internet
starting at $50/mo.
Pallet 4x4x4ft. - $50
Jobox (any size) - $50 (Member provided)
Cabinet 4x8x2ft. - $50 (Member provided)
Freezer (any size) - $50 (Member provided)